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 * Class for a set of entries for translation and their associated headers
 * @version $Id: translations.php 1157 2015-11-20 04:30:11Z dd32 $
 * @package pomo
 * @subpackage translations

require_once __DIR__ . '/plural-forms.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/entry.php';

if ( ! class_exists( 'Translations', false ) ) :
	class Translations {
		public $entries = array();
		public $headers = array();

		 * Add entry to the PO structure
		 * @param array|Translation_Entry $entry
		 * @return bool true on success, false if the entry doesn't have a key
		public function add_entry( $entry ) {
			if ( is_array( $entry ) ) {
				$entry = new Translation_Entry( $entry );
			$key = $entry->key();
			if ( false === $key ) {
				return false;
			$this->entries[ $key ] = &$entry;
			return true;

		 * @param array|Translation_Entry $entry
		 * @return bool
		public function add_entry_or_merge( $entry ) {
			if ( is_array( $entry ) ) {
				$entry = new Translation_Entry( $entry );
			$key = $entry->key();
			if ( false === $key ) {
				return false;
			if ( isset( $this->entries[ $key ] ) ) {
				$this->entries[ $key ]->merge_with( $entry );
			} else {
				$this->entries[ $key ] = &$entry;
			return true;

		 * Sets $header PO header to $value
		 * If the header already exists, it will be overwritten
		 * TODO: this should be out of this class, it is gettext specific
		 * @param string $header header name, without trailing :
		 * @param string $value header value, without trailing \n
		public function set_header( $header, $value ) {
			$this->headers[ $header ] = $value;

		 * @param array $headers
		public function set_headers( $headers ) {
			foreach ( $headers as $header => $value ) {
				$this->set_header( $header, $value );

		 * @param string $header
		public function get_header( $header ) {
			return isset( $this->headers[ $header ] ) ? $this->headers[ $header ] : false;

		 * @param Translation_Entry $entry
		public function translate_entry( &$entry ) {
			$key = $entry->key();
			return isset( $this->entries[ $key ] ) ? $this->entries[ $key ] : false;

		 * @param string $singular
		 * @param string $context
		 * @return string
		public function translate( $singular, $context = null ) {
			$entry      = new Translation_Entry(
					'singular' => $singular,
					'context'  => $context,
			$translated = $this->translate_entry( $entry );
			return ( $translated && ! empty( $translated->translations ) ) ? $translated->translations[0] : $singular;

		 * Given the number of items, returns the 0-based index of the plural form to use
		 * Here, in the base Translations class, the common logic for English is implemented:
		 *  0 if there is one element, 1 otherwise
		 * This function should be overridden by the subclasses. For example MO/PO can derive the logic
		 * from their headers.
		 * @param int $count number of items
		public function select_plural_form( $count ) {
			return 1 == $count ? 0 : 1;

		 * @return int
		public function get_plural_forms_count() {
			return 2;

		 * @param string $singular
		 * @param string $plural
		 * @param int    $count
		 * @param string $context
		public function translate_plural( $singular, $plural, $count, $context = null ) {
			$entry              = new Translation_Entry(
					'singular' => $singular,
					'plural'   => $plural,
					'context'  => $context,
			$translated         = $this->translate_entry( $entry );
			$index              = $this->select_plural_form( $count );
			$total_plural_forms = $this->get_plural_forms_count();
			if ( $translated && 0 <= $index && $index < $total_plural_forms &&
				is_array( $translated->translations ) &&
				isset( $translated->translations[ $index ] ) ) {
				return $translated->translations[ $index ];
			} else {
				return 1 == $count ? $singular : $plural;

		 * Merge $other in the current object.
		 * @param Object $other Another Translation object, whose translations will be merged in this one (passed by reference).
		public function merge_with( &$other ) {
			foreach ( $other->entries as $entry ) {
				$this->entries[ $entry->key() ] = $entry;

		 * @param object $other
		public function merge_originals_with( &$other ) {
			foreach ( $other->entries as $entry ) {
				if ( ! isset( $this->entries[ $entry->key() ] ) ) {
					$this->entries[ $entry->key() ] = $entry;
				} else {
					$this->entries[ $entry->key() ]->merge_with( $entry );

	class Gettext_Translations extends Translations {
		 * The gettext implementation of select_plural_form.
		 * It lives in this class, because there are more than one descendand, which will use it and
		 * they can't share it effectively.
		 * @param int $count
		public function gettext_select_plural_form( $count ) {
			if ( ! isset( $this->_gettext_select_plural_form ) || is_null( $this->_gettext_select_plural_form ) ) {
				list( $nplurals, $expression )     = $this->nplurals_and_expression_from_header( $this->get_header( 'Plural-Forms' ) );
				$this->_nplurals                   = $nplurals;
				$this->_gettext_select_plural_form = $this->make_plural_form_function( $nplurals, $expression );
			return call_user_func( $this->_gettext_select_plural_form, $count );

		 * @param string $header
		 * @return array
		public function nplurals_and_expression_from_header( $header ) {
			if ( preg_match( '/^\s*nplurals\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*;\s+plural\s*=\s*(.+)$/', $header, $matches ) ) {
				$nplurals   = (int) $matches[1];
				$expression = trim( $matches[2] );
				return array( $nplurals, $expression );
			} else {
				return array( 2, 'n != 1' );

		 * Makes a function, which will return the right translation index, according to the
		 * plural forms header
		 * @param int    $nplurals
		 * @param string $expression
		public function make_plural_form_function( $nplurals, $expression ) {
			try {
				$handler = new Plural_Forms( rtrim( $expression, ';' ) );
				return array( $handler, 'get' );
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
				// Fall back to default plural-form function.
				return $this->make_plural_form_function( 2, 'n != 1' );

		 * Adds parentheses to the inner parts of ternary operators in
		 * plural expressions, because PHP evaluates ternary oerators from left to right
		 * @param string $expression the expression without parentheses
		 * @return string the expression with parentheses added
		public function parenthesize_plural_exression( $expression ) {
			$expression .= ';';
			$res         = '';
			$depth       = 0;
			for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen( $expression ); ++$i ) {
				$char = $expression[ $i ];
				switch ( $char ) {
					case '?':
						$res .= ' ? (';
					case ':':
						$res .= ') : (';
					case ';':
						$res  .= str_repeat( ')', $depth ) . ';';
						$depth = 0;
						$res .= $char;
			return rtrim( $res, ';' );

		 * @param string $translation
		 * @return array
		public function make_headers( $translation ) {
			$headers = array();
			// Sometimes \n's are used instead of real new lines.
			$translation = str_replace( '\n', "\n", $translation );
			$lines       = explode( "\n", $translation );
			foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
				$parts = explode( ':', $line, 2 );
				if ( ! isset( $parts[1] ) ) {
				$headers[ trim( $parts[0] ) ] = trim( $parts[1] );
			return $headers;

		 * @param string $header
		 * @param string $value
		public function set_header( $header, $value ) {
			parent::set_header( $header, $value );
			if ( 'Plural-Forms' === $header ) {
				list( $nplurals, $expression )     = $this->nplurals_and_expression_from_header( $this->get_header( 'Plural-Forms' ) );
				$this->_nplurals                   = $nplurals;
				$this->_gettext_select_plural_form = $this->make_plural_form_function( $nplurals, $expression );

if ( ! class_exists( 'NOOP_Translations', false ) ) :
	 * Provides the same interface as Translations, but doesn't do anything
	class NOOP_Translations {
		public $entries = array();
		public $headers = array();

		public function add_entry( $entry ) {
			return true;

		 * @param string $header
		 * @param string $value
		public function set_header( $header, $value ) {

		 * @param array $headers
		public function set_headers( $headers ) {

		 * @param string $header
		 * @return false
		public function get_header( $header ) {
			return false;

		 * @param Translation_Entry $entry
		 * @return false
		public function translate_entry( &$entry ) {
			return false;

		 * @param string $singular
		 * @param string $context
		public function translate( $singular, $context = null ) {
			return $singular;

		 * @param int $count
		 * @return bool
		public function select_plural_form( $count ) {
			return 1 == $count ? 0 : 1;

		 * @return int
		public function get_plural_forms_count() {
			return 2;

		 * @param string $singular
		 * @param string $plural
		 * @param int    $count
		 * @param string $context
		public function translate_plural( $singular, $plural, $count, $context = null ) {
			return 1 == $count ? $singular : $plural;

		 * @param object $other
		public function merge_with( &$other ) {

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