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# Translation of Plugins - Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) - Stable (latest release) in Chinese (China)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) - Stable (latest release) package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-26 22:41:59+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) - Stable (latest release)\n"

#: tadv_admin.php:383
msgid "(this will replace the default text color popup in WP 5.4 and newer)"
msgstr "(这将替换WP 5.4及更高版本中的默认文本颜色弹出窗口)"

#: tadv_admin.php:177
msgid "The drop-down cannot be empty and the Inline Image and Text Color items cannot be placed in the side toolbar."
msgstr "下拉列表不能为空,并且不能在侧边工具栏中放置“内嵌图像”和“文本颜色”项。"

#. Description of the plugin
msgid "Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE)."
msgstr "扩展并增强了区块编辑器(Gutenberg)和经典编辑器(TinyMCE)。"

#: tadv_admin.php:846
msgid "Keep paragraph tags in the Classic block and the Classic Editor"
msgstr "在经典区块和经典编辑器中保留段落标记"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:927
msgid "Clear formatting"
msgstr "清除格式"

#: tadv_admin.php:964
msgid "It is important that the exported file is not edited in any way."
msgstr "请注意:导出的文件不能以任何方式编辑。"

#. translators: URL to (localised) Advanced TinyMCE Configuration plugin.
#: tadv_admin.php:950
msgid "https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-tinymce-configuration/"
msgstr "https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-tinymce-configuration/"

#: tadv_admin.php:938
msgid "To keep the table more responsive please use percentage values when setting widths."
msgstr "为了使表格更具自适应,请在设置宽度时使用百分比值。"

#: tadv_admin.php:932
msgid "Show the advanced tabs in the table properties dialogs"
msgstr "在表格属性对话框中显示高级选项卡"

#: tadv_admin.php:927
msgid "When disabled, pressing the tab key will jump outside the editor area."
msgstr "禁用后,按Tab键将跳到编辑器区域之外。"

#: tadv_admin.php:925
msgid "Jump to the next cell when pressing the tab key while editing a table"
msgstr "编辑表格时,按Tab键时跳转到下一个单元格"

#: tadv_admin.php:920
msgid "If the grid is disabled the number of rows and columns can be typed in the Insert Table dialog."
msgstr "如果禁用网格,则可以在“插入表”对话框中输入行数和列数。"

#: tadv_admin.php:918
msgid "When inserting a table show a grid where the number of rows and columns can be selected by dragging with the mouse"
msgstr "插入表格时,显示一个网格,通过鼠标拖动可以选择行数和列数"

#: tadv_admin.php:913
msgid "To set other default attributes or inline styles use the Advanced TinyMCE Configuration plugin."
msgstr "要设置其他默认属性或内联样式,请使用Advanced TinyMCE Con​​figuration插件。"

#: tadv_admin.php:912
msgid "This will add a border around the table unless it is overriden by your theme."
msgstr "除非主题将其覆盖,否则它将在表格周围添加边框。"

#: tadv_admin.php:910
msgid "When inserting a table set the HTML border attribute to 1"
msgstr "插入表格时,将HTML border属性设置为1"

#: tadv_admin.php:905
msgid "This option does not affect inline styles on tables in existing posts. To reset table size or remove all formatting for the whole table please see the two buttons at the bottom of the Format menu."
msgstr "此选项不会影响现有帖子中表格的内联样式。要重置表格大小或删除整个表格的全部格式,请看“格式”菜单底部的两个按钮。"

#: tadv_admin.php:901
msgid "Then the table, the rows and the cells can be resized by typing the size values in the advanced options tabs."
msgstr "然后,可以通过在高级选项选项卡中键入大小值来调整表,行和单元格的大小。"

#: tadv_admin.php:900
msgid "Disabling this option will stop the editor from adding inline CSS styles and will produce cleaner HTML code."
msgstr "禁用此选项后,编辑器便会停止添加内联CSS样式,并生成更清晰的HTML代码。"

#: tadv_admin.php:897
msgid "When a row or a column is resized the inline styles are updated on all table rows and cells."
msgstr "调整行或列的大小时,所有表格行和单元格上的内联样式都会更新。"

#: tadv_admin.php:896
msgid "This may override some styles that are set by your theme and usually makes the table non-responsive when viewed on a small screen like a smartphone."
msgstr "这可能会覆盖您的主题设置的某些样式,并且通常会在智能手机等小屏幕上查看表格时无自适应。"

#: tadv_admin.php:895
msgid "When enabled the whole table, rows, and columns can be resized by dragging but the sizes are set with inline CSS styles."
msgstr "启用后,可以通过拖动来调整整个表格,行和列的大小,但是大小可以使用内联CSS样式设置。"

#: tadv_admin.php:893
msgid "Enable resizing of tables, rows, and columns by dragging with the mouse"
msgstr "启用通过使用鼠标拖动来调整表,行和列的大小"

#: tadv_admin.php:890
msgid "Advanced options for tables"
msgstr "表格的高级选项"

#. translators: URL to (localised) Classic Editor plugin.
#: tadv_admin.php:834
msgid "https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-editor/"
msgstr "https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-editor/"

#: tadv_admin.php:813
msgid "Selecting this option also adds some improvements and fixes for the Classic block."
msgstr "启用此选项,会为经典区块加入多项改进及修正。"

#: tadv_admin.php:810
msgid "Make the Classic Paragraph or Classic block the default block (hybrid mode)"
msgstr "将经典段落或经典区块设为默认区块(混合模式)"

#: tadv_admin.php:795
msgid "Add Classic Paragraph block"
msgstr "添加经典段落区块"

#: tadv_admin.php:585
msgid "Toolbars for the Classic Editor"
msgstr "经典编辑器的工具栏"

#: tadv_admin.php:539
msgid "Unused Buttons for the Classic Paragraph and Classic blocks toolbars"
msgstr "经典段落和经典区块工具栏的未使用按钮"

#: tadv_admin.php:176
msgid "All buttons that are shown in the drop-down are auto-arranged by alphabetical order. The users are not allowed to arrange them."
msgstr "下拉列表中显示的所有按钮均按字母顺序自动排列。用户无法排列它们。"

#: tadv_admin.php:175
msgid "All other buttons are always shown in a drop-down. The users are not allowed to add any of them to the main toolbar."
msgstr ""
" "

#: tadv_admin.php:174
msgid "The Align Left, Align Center, Align Right, Bold, Italic, and Link buttons cannot be moved or arranged."
msgstr "不能移动或排列“左对齐”,“居中对齐”,“右对齐”,“粗体”,“斜体”和“链接”按钮。"

#: tadv_admin.php:167
msgid "Limitations for the Block Editor toolbar"
msgstr "“区块编辑器”工具栏的限制"

#: tadv_admin.php:94
msgid "Importing of settings failed. The imported file is invalid."
msgstr "导入设置失败。导入的文件无效。"

#: tadv_admin.php:91
msgid "Importing of settings failed. The imported file is empty."
msgstr "导入设置失败。导入的文件为空。"

#: tadv_admin.php:88
msgid "Importing of settings failed. Please import a valid settings file."
msgstr "导入设置失败。请导入有效的设置文件。"

#: tadv_admin.php:81 tadv_admin.php:99
msgid "Settings imported successfully."
msgstr "设置导入成功。"

#: tadv_admin.php:60
msgid "Import settings from string"
msgstr "从字符串导入设置"

#: tadv_admin.php:51
msgid "Import settings"
msgstr "导入设置"

#: tadv_admin.php:49
msgid "The settings are imported from a previously exported settings file."
msgstr "这些设置是从先前导出的设置文件导入的。"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:935
msgid "Text Background Color"
msgstr "文本背景颜色"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:933
msgid "Text Color"
msgstr "文本颜色"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:931
msgid "Underline"
msgstr "下划线"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:929
msgid "Subscript"
msgstr "下标"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:928
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "上标"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:897
msgid "For use instead of the Paragraph Block. Supports transforming to and from multiple Paragraph blocks, Image, Table, List, Quote, Custom HTML, and most other blocks."
msgstr "用于代替段落区块。支持与多个段落区块、图像、表格、列表、引用、自定义HTML和大多数其他区块之间的转换。"

#: tadv_admin.php:984
msgid "TinyMCE editors on the front end of the site"
msgstr "网站前端的TinyMCE编辑器"

#: tadv_admin.php:980
msgid "Other TinyMCE editors in wp-admin"
msgstr "wp-admin中其他的TinyMCE编辑器"

#: tadv_admin.php:973
msgid "Enable the TinyMCE editor enhancements for:"
msgstr "为以下选项启用TinyMCE编辑器增强功能:"

#: tadv_admin.php:757
msgid "Append all buttons to the top toolbar in the Classic Paragraph and Classic blocks."
msgstr "将所有按钮附加到“经典段落”和“经典”区块中的顶部工具栏。"

#: tadv_admin.php:419
msgid "The toolbars in the Classic Paragraph and Classic blocks are narrower and show on focus."
msgstr "“经典段落”和“经典”区块中的工具栏较窄,并且在焦点上显示。"

#: tadv_admin.php:416
msgid "Toolbars for the Classic Paragraph and Classic blocks"
msgstr "经典段落和经典区块的工具栏"

#: tadv_admin.php:397
msgid "Enable setting of selected text background color"
msgstr "启用所选文本背景色设置"

#: tadv_admin.php:392 tadv_admin.php:405
msgid "No"
msgstr "否"

#: tadv_admin.php:388 tadv_admin.php:401
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "是"

#: tadv_admin.php:382
msgid "Enable setting of selected text color"
msgstr "启用已选取文字的色彩设置"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:936 tadv_admin.php:374
msgid "Selected text background color"
msgstr "选择文本的背景颜色"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:934 tadv_admin.php:370
msgid "Selected text color"
msgstr "选择文本的颜色"

#: tadv_admin.php:366
msgid "Text color"
msgstr "文本颜色"

#: tadv_admin.php:341
msgid "Unused buttons for the blocks toolbars"
msgstr "区块工具栏上未使用的按钮"

#: tadv_admin.php:308
msgid "(shown in the sidebar)"
msgstr "(已在侧边栏显示)"

#: tadv_admin.php:163
msgid "Main toolbar"
msgstr "主工具栏"

#: tadv_admin.php:153
msgid "Toolbars for the Block Editor"
msgstr "区块编辑器的工具栏"

#: tadv_admin.php:148
msgid "Classic Editor (TinyMCE)"
msgstr "经典编辑器(TinyMCE)"

#: tadv_admin.php:143
msgid "Block Editor (Gutenberg)"
msgstr "区块编辑器(Gutenberg)"

#: tadv_admin.php:798
msgid "You can add multiple paragraphs, tables, galleries, embed video, set fonts and colors, and generally use everything that is available in the Classic Editor."
msgstr "您可以添加多个段落、表格、图库、嵌入视频、设置字体和颜色,并且完全使用经典编辑器中提供的所有内容。"

#: tadv_admin.php:797
msgid "The Classic Paragraph block includes the familiar TinyMCE editor and is an extended and enhanced Classic block."
msgstr "经典段落区块包括熟悉的TinyMCE编辑器,这是一个扩展和增强的经典区块。"

#: tadv_admin.php:948
msgid "For other advanced TinyMCE settings, including settings for the Classic Paragraph block and more advanced table options, you can use the %1$sAdvanced TinyMCE Configuration plugin%2$s."
msgstr "对于其他高级TinyMCE设置,包括“经典段落”区块的设置和更多高级表格选项,可以使用%1$sAdvanced TinyMCE Con​​figuration插件%2$s。"

#: tadv_admin.php:880
msgid "Disabled:"
msgstr "禁用:"

#: tadv_admin.php:832
msgid "If you prefer to use both editors side by side, do not enable this option. It is better to install the %1$sClassic Editor plugin%2$s."
msgstr "如果您希望同时使用两个编辑器,请不要启用此选项。最好安装%1$s经典编辑器插件%2$s。"

#: tadv_admin.php:826
msgid "Selecting this option will restore the previous (“classic”) editor and the previous Edit Post screen."
msgstr "启用此选项,恢复先前的(“经典“)编辑器和先前的“编辑文章”屏幕。"

#: tadv_admin.php:824
msgid "Replace the Block Editor with the Classic Editor"
msgstr "用经典编辑器替代区块编辑器"

#: tadv_admin.php:800
msgid "This makes the Block Editor more familiar, easier to use, easier to get used to, and more compatible with your existing workflow."
msgstr "这使得区块编辑器更加熟悉、易于使用且易于习惯,并且与现有工作流更兼容。"

#: tadv_admin.php:758
msgid "This affects buttons that are added by other plugins. These buttons will be appended to the top toolbar row instead of forming second, third, and forth rows."
msgstr "这会影响其他插件添加的按钮。这些按钮将附加到工具栏顶部,而不是形成第二行、第三行和第四行。"

#: tadv_admin.php:426
msgid "Enable the editor menu (recommended)."
msgstr "启用编辑器菜单(推荐)。"

#: tadv_admin.php:421
msgid "The buttons will wrap around depending on the width of the toolbar."
msgstr "按钮将根据工具栏的宽度进行环绕。"

#: tadv_admin.php:420
msgid "For best results enable the menu and add only essential buttons."
msgstr "为获得最佳效果,请启用菜单并仅添加基本按钮。"

#: tadv_admin.php:536 tadv_admin.php:704
msgid "Drop buttons in the toolbars, or drag the buttons to rearrange them."
msgstr "在工具栏中放置或拖动按钮来重新排列它们。"

#: tadv_admin.php:784
msgid "Replace the size setting available for fonts with: %s."
msgstr "将字体可用的大小设置替换为:%s。"

#: tadv_admin.php:881
msgid "A stylesheet file named editor-style.css was not added by your theme."
msgstr "editor-style.css文件未添加到你的主题文件夹。"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:1338
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"

#: tadv_admin.php:976
msgid "The Classic Editor (Add New and Edit posts and pages)"
msgstr "经典编辑器(添加新内容和编辑文章和页面)"

#: tadv_admin.php:961
msgid "Settings import and export"
msgstr "设置的导入和导出"

#: tadv_admin.php:871
msgid "Create CSS classes menu"
msgstr "创建CSS样式菜单"

#: tadv_admin.php:783
msgid "Font sizes"
msgstr "字体大小"

#: tadv_admin.php:778
msgid "Open the TinyMCE link dialog when using the link button on the toolbar or the link menu item."
msgstr "使用工具栏上的链接按钮或菜单项链接时,打开TinyMCE链接对话框。"

#: tadv_admin.php:777
msgid "Alternative link dialog"
msgstr "备用链接对话框"

#: tadv_admin.php:772
msgid "Replace the browser context (right-click) menu."
msgstr "替换浏览器上下文(右键单击)菜单。"

#: tadv_admin.php:765
msgid "Enable more list options: upper or lower case letters for ordered lists, disk or square for unordered lists, etc."
msgstr "启用更多列表选项:比如对有序列表使用大写或小写字母,对无序列表使用圆形或正方形等。"

#: tadv_admin.php:753
msgid "Options"
msgstr "可选项"

#. Author URI of the plugin
msgid "http://www.laptoptips.ca/"
msgstr "http://www.laptoptips.ca/"

#. Author of the plugin
msgid "Andrew Ozz"
msgstr "Andrew Ozz"

#. Plugin URI of the plugin
msgid "http://www.laptoptips.ca/projects/tinymce-advanced/"
msgstr "http://www.laptoptips.ca/projects/tinymce-advanced/"

#. Plugin Name of the plugin
msgid "TinyMCE Advanced"
msgstr "TinyMCE Advanced"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:381
msgid "Please upgrade your WordPress installation or download an <a href=\"%s\">older version of the plugin</a>."
msgstr "请升级您的WordPress或下载<a href=\"%s\">旧版插件</a>。"

#: tinymce-advanced.php:373
msgid "TinyMCE Advanced requires WordPress version %1$s or newer. It appears that you are running %2$s. This can make the editor unstable."
msgstr "TinyMCE Advanced需要WordPress版本%1$s或更高版本。 看来您正在运行%2$s,这可能会使编辑器不稳定。"

#: tadv_admin.php:1003
msgid "The [Toolbar toggle] button shows or hides the second, third, and forth button rows. It will only work when it is in the first row and there are buttons in the second row."
msgstr "[工具栏切换]按钮的功能是显示或隐藏第二,第三和第四行按钮。 它只有在本身处于第一行,而第二行有按钮时才工作。"

#: tadv_admin.php:997
msgid "Restore Default Settings"
msgstr "恢复默认设置"

#: tadv_admin.php:969
msgid "Import Settings"
msgstr "导入设置"

#: tadv_admin.php:968
msgid "Export Settings"
msgstr "导出设置"

#: tadv_admin.php:959
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "管理"

#: tadv_admin.php:851
msgid "Line breaks in the Text tab in the Classic Editor would still affect the output, in particular do not use empty lines, line breaks inside HTML tags or multiple &lt;br&gt; tags."
msgstr "经典编辑器中“文本”选项卡中的换行符仍然会影响输出,特别是不要使用空行,HTML标记内的换行符或多个 &lt;br&gt; 标记。"

#: tadv_admin.php:850
msgid "However it may behave unexpectedly in rare cases, so test it thoroughly before enabling it permanently."
msgstr "但是在极少数情况下仍可能出现意外情况,因此请在彻底启用它之前请进行全面的测试。"

#: tadv_admin.php:849
msgid "This will make it possible to use more advanced coding in the Text tab without the back-end filtering affecting it much."
msgstr "这将使得可以在文本编辑器中使用更高级的编码,而不需要受后端过滤影响。"

#: tadv_admin.php:873
msgid "Load the CSS classes used in editor-style.css and replace the Formats menu."
msgstr "加载editor-style.css中使用的CSS样式,并替换“格式”菜单。"

#: tadv_admin.php:792
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "高级选项"

#: tadv_admin.php:771
msgid "Context Menu"
msgstr "上下文菜单"

#: tadv_admin.php:763
msgid "List Style Options"
msgstr "列表样式选项"

#: tadv_admin.php:707
msgid "Unused Buttons"
msgstr "未使用的按钮"

#: tadv_admin.php:590
msgid "Enable the editor menu."
msgstr "启用编辑器菜单。"

#: tadv_admin.php:138 tadv_admin.php:998
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "保存更改"

#: tadv_admin.php:126
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "设置已保存"

#: tadv_admin.php:119
msgid "Editor Settings"
msgstr "编辑器设置"

#: tadv_admin.php:108
msgid "ERROR: All toolbars are empty. Default settings loaded."
msgstr "错误:所有工具栏为空。 默认设置已加载。"

#: tadv_admin.php:78
msgid "Importing of settings failed."
msgstr "导入设置失败。"

#: tadv_admin.php:59
msgid "Verify"
msgstr "验证"

#: tadv_admin.php:56
msgid "Alternatively the settings can be imported from a JSON encoded string. Please paste the exported string in the text area below."
msgstr "另外,设置可以导入JSON编码的字符串。 请在下面的文本区域中粘贴导出的字符串。"

#: tadv_admin.php:45
msgid "TinyMCE Advanced Settings Import"
msgstr "TinyMCE高级设置导入"

#: tadv_admin.php:65
msgid "Back to Editor Settings"
msgstr "返回编辑器设置"

#: tadv_admin.php:963
msgid "The settings are exported as a JSON encoded file."
msgstr "设置已导出为JSON编码文件。"

#: tadv_admin.php:38
msgid "Default settings restored."
msgstr "已恢复默认设置。"

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