
Your IP :

Current Path : /sata1/home/users/rieltor/www/www.levmed.biz/wp-content/languages/plugins/
Upload File :
Current File : /sata1/home/users/rieltor/www/www.levmed.biz/wp-content/languages/plugins/autoptimize-zh_CN.po

# Translation of Plugins - Autoptimize - Stable (latest release) in Chinese (China)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - Autoptimize - Stable (latest release) package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-25 17:30:30+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.1\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Plugins - Autoptimize - Stable (latest release)\n"

#. Translators: the URL added points to the Autopmize Extra settings.
#: classes/autoptimizeMain.php:792
msgid "Shortpixel reports it cannot always reach your site, which might mean some images are not optimized. You can %1$sread more about why this happens and how you can fix that problem here%2$s."
msgstr "Shortpixel 报告它不能总是到达您的站点,这可能意味着某些图像未优化。 您可以 %1$s 在此处 %2$s 详细了解为什么会发生这种情况以及如何解决该问题。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1308
msgid "On-the-fly image optimization and fast delivery via the Shortpixel global CDN."
msgstr "通过 Shortpixel 全球 CDN 进行实时图像优化和快速交付。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1306
msgid "Image optimization & CDN"
msgstr "图像优化和CDN"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1303
msgid "Make your site significantly faster by simply ticking a few boxes and start serving CDN powered, optimized images in next-get formats like WebP and AVIF! No additional plugins or services needed."
msgstr "只需勾选几个框并开始以 WebP 和 AVIF 等下一代格式提供 CDN 支持的优化图像,即可显着加快您的网站速度! 无需额外的插件或服务。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1273
msgid "The image optimization service does not work on locally hosted sites or when the server is on a private network."
msgstr "图像优化服务不适用于本地托管站点或当服务器位于专用网络上时。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:145
msgid "The Critical CSS service does not work on locally hosted sites or when the server is on a private network."
msgstr "Critical CSS 服务在本地托管站点或服务器位于专用网络上时不起作用。"

#. Translators: before the 1st word a number + a space will be displayed, as in
#. e.g. "2 of above rules".
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:116
msgid "of the above rules got flagged by criticalcss.com as possibly needing review. This is often due to font-related issues which can be safely ignored, but in case of doubt do a visual test or check for Cumulative Layout Shift issues in e.g. Pagespeed Insights."
msgstr "上面的规则被 criticalcss.com 标记为可能需要审查。 这通常是由于与字体相关的问题,可以安全地忽略这些问题,但如果有疑问,请进行视觉测试或检查 Cumulative Layout Shift 问题,例如 Pagespeed 洞察力。"

#. translators: the variable contains a string describing the insterval.
#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSBase.php:363
msgid "Every %s (Autoptimize Crit. CSS)"
msgstr "每 %s(Autoptimize Crit.CSS)"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:304
msgid "Path validation error:\\n\\nThe path contains characters that are not permitted, remove or encode the unsafe characters."
msgstr "路径验证错误:\\n\\n路径包含不允许的字符,删除或编码不安全的字符。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:302
msgid "Rule validation error:\\n\\nType based rules requires a minified critical CSS."
msgstr "规则验证错误:\\n\\n基于类型的规则需要缩小的关键 CSS。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:300
msgid "Rule validation error:\\n\\nBased on your rule type, you should set a path or conditional tag."
msgstr "规则验证错误:\\in\\根据您的规则类型,您应该设置路径或条件标记。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:501
msgid "Disable extra compatibilty logic?"
msgstr "禁用额外的兼容性逻辑?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:383
msgid "Enable this if you want inline JS or CSS to be minified as well."
msgstr "如果您希望内联 JS 或 CSS 也被缩小,请启用此选项。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:381
msgid "Also minify inline JS/ CSS?"
msgstr "还要缩小内联 JS/CSS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:77
msgid "I would like be contacted about my experience with Autoptimize."
msgstr "我想就我在Autooptimize方面的经验与我联系。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:56
msgid "Ouch, sorry about that! But almost all problems can be fixed with the right configuration, have a look at <a href=\"https://blog.futtta.be/2022/05/05/what-to-do-when-autoptimize-breaks-your-site/\" target=\"_blank\">this short troubleshooting howto</a> or create a topic on <a href=\"https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/autoptimize/#new-topic-0\" target=\"_blank\">the support forum here</a>!"
msgstr "哎呀,对不起! 但是几乎所有的问题都可以通过正确的配置来解决,看看 <a href=\"https://blog.futtta.be/2022/05/05/what-to-do-when-autoptimize-breaks-your-site/\" target=\"_blank\">这个简短的故障排除指南</a> 或在<a href=\"https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/autoptimize/#new-topic-0\" target=\"_blank\">支持论坛</a>上创建主题!"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:42
msgid "We would appreciate if you let us know why you're deactivating Autoptimize!"
msgstr "如果您让我们知道您为什么要停用Autooptimize,我们将不胜感激!"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:39
msgid "Sorry to see you go!"
msgstr "很遗憾看见您离开!"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:129
msgid "LCP Image to preload"
msgstr "要预加载的LCP图片"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:590
msgid "WordPress adds block CSS and global styles to improve easy styling of block-based sites, but which can add a significant amount of CSS and SVG. If you are sure your site can do without the block CSS and \"global styles\", you can disable them here."
msgstr "WordPress 添加块 CSS 和全局样式以改进基于块的站点的简单样式,但它可以添加大量 CSS 和 SVG。 如果您确定您的站点可以在没有块 CSS 和“全局样式”的情况下运行,您可以在此处禁用它们。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:588
msgid "Remove WordPress block CSS"
msgstr "删除WordPress区块CSS"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:168
msgid "To be able to use Critical CSS you will have to enable CSS optimization and make sure \"eliminate render-blocking CSS\" is active on the main Autoptimize settings page."
msgstr "为了能够使用 Critical CSS,您必须启用 CSS 优化,并确保“eliminate render-blocking CSS”在主 Autoptimize 设置页面上处于活动状态。"

#. translators: links "autoptimize critical CSS" tab.
#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:326
msgid "You can manually create rules for different types of pages or have this done fully automated on the %s tab."
msgstr "您可以为不同类型的页面手动创建规则,或者在%s选项卡上完全自动完成。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:91
msgid "Selected reason from the above survey"
msgstr "从上述调查中选择的原因"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:91
msgid "Uninstall reason"
msgstr "卸载原因"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:90
msgid "Current website:"
msgstr "当前网站:"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:89
msgid "WordPress version"
msgstr "WordPress版本"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:88
msgid "Plugin version"
msgstr "插件版本"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:86
msgid "Below is a detailed view of all data that Optimizing Matters will receive if you fill in this survey. Your email address is only shared if you explicitly fill it in, your IP addres is never sent."
msgstr "以下是如果您填写此调查,Optimizing Matters 将收到的所有数据的详细视图。 您的电子邮件地址只有在您明确填写后才会被共享,您的 IP 地址绝不会被发送。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:85
msgid "What info do we collect?"
msgstr "我们收集什么信息?"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:70
msgid "Other (please specify below)"
msgstr "其他(请在下方注明)"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:65
msgid "I'm just disabling temporarily."
msgstr "我只是暂时禁用。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:60
msgid "I found a better solution."
msgstr "我找到了更好的解决方案。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:54
msgid "It broke my site."
msgstr "它破坏了我的网站。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:49
msgid "As Autoptimize does not do page caching, you might have to install e.g. KeyCDN Cache Enabler or WP Super Cache as well. Feel free to create a topic on <a href=\"https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/autoptimize/#new-topic-0\" target=\"_blank\">the support forum here</a> to get pointers on how get the most out of Autoptimize!"
msgstr "由于 Autoptimize 不进行页面缓存,您可能必须安装例如 KeyCDN Cache Enabler 或 WP Super Cache。 欢迎在<a href=\"https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/autoptimize/#new-topic-0\" target=\"_blank\">此处的支持论坛</a>上创建主题以获取指导 关于如何充分利用 Autoptimize!"

#: classes/autoptimizeExitSurvey.php:47
msgid "I don't see a performance improvement."
msgstr "我没有看到性能改进。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_key.php:26
msgid "API Key provided by a filter, no need to enter anything here."
msgstr "API Key 由过滤器提供,无需在此输入任何内容。"

#: classes/autoptimizeToolbar.php:117
msgid "Clear CSS/ JS Cache"
msgstr "清除 CSS/JS 缓存"

#: classes/autoptimizeToolbar.php:96
msgid "CSS/ JS Cache Info"
msgstr "CSS/JS 缓存信息"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:732 classes/autoptimizeToolbar.php:82
msgid "Autoptimize Pro"
msgstr "Autoptimize Pro"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:548
msgid "Autoptimize news"
msgstr "Autoptimize 新闻"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:407
msgid "Enter your CDN root URL to enable CDN for Autoptimized files. The URL can be http, https or protocol-relative. This is not needed for Cloudflare."
msgstr "输入您的 CDN 根 URL 以启用自动优化文件的 CDN。 URL 可以是 http、https 或相对协议。 Cloudflare 不需要这样做。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:406
msgid "example: //cdn.yoursite.com/"
msgstr "示例://cdn.yoursite.com/"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:402
msgid "The CDN has automatically been set to make use of the image optimization CDN."
msgstr "CDN 已自动设置为使用图像优化 CDN。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:194
#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:135
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:545 classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1268
#: classes/autoptimizePartners.php:144 classes/autoptimizeProTab.php:90
msgid "Autoptimize Pro Settings"
msgstr "Autoptimize Pro 设置"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:169
msgid "How To Use Autoptimize CriticalCSS Rules"
msgstr "如何使用Autoptimize CriticalCSS规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:447
msgid "For path based rules, paste your specific and minified critical CSS. If you want to create a rule to exclude from critical CSS injection, enter \\\"none\\\""
msgstr "对于基于路径的规则,请粘贴您特定和缩小的关键CSS。如果您想创建一个规则来排除关键的CSS注入,请输入\\“none\\”"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:56
msgid "How To Use Autoptimize CriticalCSS Queue"
msgstr "如何使用自动优化 CriticalCSS 队列"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:224
msgid "Sorry, something went wrong."
msgstr "抱歉,出了点问题。"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:221
msgid "Could not add to CCSS job queue."
msgstr "无法添加到 CCSS 作业队列。"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:219
msgid "Added to CCSS job queue."
msgstr "添加到 CCSS 作业队列。"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:167
msgid "Generate Critical CSS"
msgstr "生成关键 CSS"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:181
msgid "The \"Eliminate render-blocking CSS\" option was activated to allow critical CSS to be used."
msgstr "“消除渲染阻塞 CSS”选项已激活以允许使用关键 CSS。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:85
msgid "Manually process the job queue"
msgstr "手动处理作业队列"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:236
msgid "Could not process queue."
msgstr "无法处理队列。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:234
msgid "The queue is locked, retry in a couple of minutes. If this problem persists and the queue is not moving at all remove the <code>wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/queue.lock</code> file."
msgstr "队列已锁定,请在几分钟后重试。 如果此问题仍然存在并且队列根本没有移动,请删除 <code>wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/queue.lock</code> 文件。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:231
msgid "Queue processed, reloading page."
msgstr "队列已处理,正在重新加载页面。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:114
msgid "<b>This functionality will be removed in a next major version of Autoptimize</b>, being replaced by the combination of the \"do not aggregate but defer JS\" + \"defer inline JS\" options on the main settings page."
msgstr "<b>此功能将在 Autoptimize 的下一个主要版本中删除</b>,取而代之的是主设置页面上的“不聚合但延迟 JS”+“延迟内联 JS”选项的组合。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:108
msgid "Defer jQuery and other non-aggregated JS-files? (deprecated)"
msgstr "推迟加载 jQuery 和其他非聚合 JS 文件?"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:117
msgid "Lazyload images?"
msgstr "懒加载图像?"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:105
msgid "Inline critical CSS?"
msgstr "内联关键 CSS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:90
msgid "Optimize CSS?"
msgstr "优化CSS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:78
msgid "Optimize JS?"
msgstr "优化JS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:66
msgid "Optimize this page?"
msgstr "优化此页面?"

#: classes/autoptimizeMetabox.php:37
msgid "Autoptimize this page"
msgstr "自动优化此页面"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1389
msgid "Automatically serve AVIF image format to any browser that supports it."
msgstr "自动将 AVIF 图像格式提供给任何支持它的浏览器。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:192
msgid "You have \"defer jQuery and other non-aggregated JS-files\" active (under Advanced Settings), but that functionality is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of Autoptimize. Consider using the new \"Do not aggregate but defer\" and \"Also defer inline JS\" options on the main settings page instead."
msgstr "您启用了“延迟 jQuery 和其他非聚合 JS 文件”(在高级设置下),但该功能已被弃用,并将在下一个主要版本的 Autoptimize 中删除。 考虑在主设置页面上使用新的“不聚合但延迟”和“同时延迟内联 JS”选项。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:497
msgid "Add a \"metabox\" to the post/ page edit screen allowing different optimizations to be turned off on a per post/ page level?"
msgstr "向文章/页面编辑屏幕添加一个“元框”,允许在每个文章/页面级别关闭不同的优化?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:495
msgid "Enable configuration per post/ page?"
msgstr "启用每个文章/页面的配置?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:361
msgid "Remove Unused CSS?"
msgstr "移除未使用的CSS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:319
msgid "Eliminate render-blocking CSS?"
msgstr "消除阻塞渲染的 CSS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:279
msgid "Autoptimize combines your theme & plugins' JavaScript, but does not know what is used and what not. If Google Pagespeed Insights detects unused JavaScript, consider using a plugin like \"Plugin Organizer\" or similar to manage what JavaScript is added where."
msgstr "Autoptimize 结合了您的主题和插件的 JavaScript,但不知道使用了哪些,不使用了哪些。 如果 Google Pagespeed Insights 检测到未使用的 JavaScript,请考虑使用“Plugin Organizer”之类的插件或类似插件来管理在何处添加了 JavaScript。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:278
msgid "Remove Unused JavaScript?"
msgstr "移除未使用的JavaScript?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:273
msgid "Important: when \"aggregate JS-files\" is on, excluded non-minified files are still minified by Autoptimize unless that option under \"misc\" is disabled."
msgstr "重要提示:当“聚合 JS 文件”打开时,排除的非缩小文件仍会被 Autoptimize 缩小,除非“杂项”下的该选项被禁用。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:273
msgid "A comma-separated list of scripts you do not want optimized, for example 'whatever.js, my_var' (without the quotes)."
msgstr "您不想优化的脚本的逗号分隔列表,例如 'whatever.js, my_var'(不带引号)。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:255
msgid "Also defer inline JS. Generally this will allow all JS to be deferred, so you should remove default exclusions, test and only exclude specific items if still needed."
msgstr "也延迟内联 JS。 通常这将允许所有 JS 被延迟,因此您应该删除默认排除项,测试并仅在仍然需要时排除特定项目。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:253
msgid "Also defer inline JS?"
msgstr "推迟内联JS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:250
msgid "Individual JS-files will be minified and deferred, making them non-render-blocking."
msgstr "单个 JS 文件将被缩小和延迟,使它们不会阻塞渲染。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:245
msgid "If your aggregated scripts break because of a JS-error, you might want to try this, but generally discouraged."
msgstr "如果你的聚合脚本因为 JS 错误而中断,你可能想尝试这个,但通常不鼓励。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:240
msgid "Load JavaScript early (discouraged as it makes the JS render blocking)"
msgstr "尽早加载 JavaScript(不鼓励,因为它会使 JS 渲染阻塞)"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:235
msgid "Let Autoptimize also extract JS from the HTML (discouraged as it can make Autoptimize's cache size grow quickly)"
msgstr "让 Autoptimize 也从 HTML 中提取 JS(不鼓励,因为它可以使 Autoptimize 的缓存大小快速增长)"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:230
msgid "Aggregate all linked JS-files to have them loaded non-render blocking?"
msgstr "聚合所有链接的 JS 文件以让它们加载非渲染阻塞?"

#. translators: "here to refresh" links to the Autoptimize Extra page and
#. forces a refresh of the img opt stats.
#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1491
msgid "you can click %1$shere to refresh your quota status%2$s"
msgstr "您可以单击 %1$此处刷新您的配额状态%2$s"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1414
msgid "Don't lazyload the first X images, '1' lazyloads all."
msgstr "不要延迟加载前X个图像,'1' 延迟加载所有图像。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1412
msgid "Lazy-load from nth image"
msgstr "从第n个图像延迟加载"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1352
msgid "Comma-separated list of image classes or filenames that should not be optimized."
msgstr "逗号分隔的图像类或文件名列表,不应该对其进行优化。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1350
msgid "Optimization exclusions"
msgstr "优化排除项"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:248
msgid "Do not aggregate but defer?"
msgstr "不汇总而是推迟?"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:279
msgid "It looks like the amount of Critical CSS rules is very high, it is recommended to reconfigure Autoptimize (e.g. by manually creating broader rules) to ensure less rules are created."
msgstr "关键 CSS 规则的数量看起来非常多,建议重新配置自动优化(例如,通过手动创建更宽泛的规则),以确保创建的规则更少。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:255
msgid "In the meantime you might want to <strong>edit default rule CSS now</strong>, to avoid all CSS being inlined when no (applicable) rules are found."
msgstr "同时,您可能希望现在<strong>立即编辑默认规则CSS</strong>,以避免在未找到(适用)规则时内联所有 CSS。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:68
msgid "The cronned queue processing is an asynchronous process triggerd by (WordPress) cron. To avoid this process from running too long and potentially getting killed, you can set the number of seconds here, 0 means no limit."
msgstr "临时队列处理是(WordPress)cron 触发的异步过程。 为避免此过程运行太长时间并有可能被杀死,您可以在此处设置秒数,0 表示没有限制。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:63
msgid "Queue processing time limit"
msgstr "队列处理时间限制"

#. translators: "associate your domain" will appear in a "a href".
#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1465
msgid "If you have enough CDN quota remaining, then you may need to %1$sassociate your domain%2$s to your Shortpixel account."
msgstr "如果您有足够的信用/CDN 配额, 则可能需要将您的 %1$s 关联你的域名 %2$s 到您的 Shortpixel 帐户。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:468
msgid "Enable 404 fallbacks?"
msgstr "启用 404 后备?"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:126
msgid "In rare cases the critical CSS needs to be removed once the full CSS loads, this option makes it so!"
msgstr "在极少数情况下, 一旦完整的 CSS 加载完毕, 就需要删除关键的 CSS, 因此可以这样做!"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:121
msgid "Unload critical CSS after page load?"
msgstr "页面加载后是否卸载 Critical CSS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSCore.php:455
msgid "Something went wrong when checking your API key, make sure you server can communicate with https://criticalcss.com and/ or try again later."
msgstr "检查 API 密钥时出现问题, 请确保服务器可以与 https://criticalcss.com 通信, 或稍后重试。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSCore.php:431
#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSCore.php:449
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "无效"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSCore.php:424
#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSCore.php:443
msgid "Valid"
msgstr "有效"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:337
msgid "Inlining all CSS is an easy way to stop the CSS from being render-blocking, but is generally not recommended because the size of the HTML increases significantly. Additionally it might push meta-tags down to a position where e.g. Facebook and Whatsapp will not find them any more, breaking thumbnails when sharing."
msgstr "内联所有 CSS 是解决 CSS 渲染阻塞的简便方法, 但通常不建议这样做, 因为 HTML 大小显著增加。此外, 此操作可能会将元标记向下推迟到 Facebook 和 Whatsapp 找不到它们的位置, 从而在共享时找不到缩略图。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:201
msgid "Remove all rules"
msgstr "删除所有规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:198
msgid "Add CSS To All Rules"
msgstr "将 CSS 添加到所有规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:197
msgid "Edit Default Rule CSS"
msgstr "编辑默认 CSS 规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:196
msgid "Add New Rule"
msgstr "添加新规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:183
msgid "At any time you can delete an <span class=\"badge auto\">AUTO</span> or <span class=\"badge manual\">MANUAL</span> rule by cliking on \"Remove\" button of the desired rule and saving your changes."
msgstr "您可以随时删除 <span class=\"badge auto\">自动</span> 或 <span class=\"badge manual\">手动</span> 规则。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:182
msgid "You can create <span class=\"badge manual\">MANUAL</span> rules for specific page paths (URL). Longer, more specific paths have higher priority over shorter ones, which in turn have higher priority over <span class=\"badge auto\">AUTO</span> rules. Also, critical CSS files from <span class=\"badge manual\">MANUAL</span> <strong>rules are NEVER updated automatically.</strong>"
msgstr "您可以为特定的页面路径 (URL) 创建<span class=\"badge manual\">MANUAL</span>规则。更长、更具体的路径比较短的路径具有更高的优先级, 较短的路径的优先级高于<span class=\"badge auto\">AUTO</span>规则。此外, 来自<span class=\"badge manual\">MANUAL</span>规则的 Critical CSS 文件<strong>永远不会自动更新。</strong>"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:181
msgid "If you want to make any fine tunning in the critical CSS file of an <span class=\"badge auto\">AUTO</span> rule, click on \"Edit\" button of that rule, change what you need, submit and save it. The rule you've just edited becomes a <span class=\"badge manual\">MANUAL</span> rule then."
msgstr "如果要在 <span class=\"badge auto\">自动</span> 规则的 Critical CSS 文件的基础上中进行更细致的调整,请单击该规则的\"编辑\"按钮,更改所需的内容,提交并保存它。您刚刚编辑的规则将成为 <span class=\"badge manual\">手动</span>规则。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:180
msgid "These requests also creates an <span class=\"badge auto\">AUTO</span> rule for you. The critical CSS files from <span class=\"badge auto\">AUTO</span> <strong>rules are updated automatically</strong> when a CSS file in your theme or frontend plugins changes."
msgstr "这些请求还会为您创建<span class=\"badge auto\">自动</span>规则。当主题或前端插件中的 CSS 文件发生更改时,<span class=\"badge auto\">自动</span>规则生成的 Critical CSS 文件<strong>将自动更新</strong>。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:179
msgid "Upon a request to any of the frontend pages made by a <strong>not logged in user</strong>, it will <strong>asynchronously</strong> fetch and update the critical CSS from <a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> for conditional tags you have on your site (e.g. is_page, is_single, is_archive etc.)"
msgstr "当<strong>未登录用户</strong>访问任意前端页面时, 插件将<strong>异步</strong>根据你站点上的条件标记(如 is_page, is_single, is_archive )从<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a>提取和更新 Critical CSS"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:178
msgid "When a valid <a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> API key is in place, Autoptimize starts to operate <strong>automatically</strong>."
msgstr "当有效的<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> API 密钥到位时,自动优化 Critical CSS 开始<strong>自动</strong>运行。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:176
msgid "TL;DR:<br />Critical CSS files from <span class='badge auto'>AUTO</span> <strong>rules are updated automatically</strong> while from <span class='badge manual'>MANUAL</span> <strong>rules are not.</strong>"
msgstr "TL;DR:<br />来自 <span class='badge auto'>自动</span> 规则的 Critical CSS 文件<strong>会自动更新</strong>, 而 <span class='badge manual'>手动</span><strong> 规则则不更新。</strong>"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:163
msgid "Paste your minified additional critical CSS here and hit submit to save. This is the CSS to be added AT THE END of every critical CSS provided by a matching rule, or the default one."
msgstr "在此处粘贴您压缩后的其他 Critical CSS, 并点击提交以保存。此 CSS将添加到匹配规则 Critical CSS 或在默认规则中添加的 CSS 中。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:158
msgid "Paste your minified default critical CSS here and hit submit to save. This is the critical CSS to be used for every page not matching any rule."
msgstr "在此处粘贴您压缩后的默认 Critical CSS 并点击提交以保存。此 Critical CSS 应用于与现有规则不匹配的所有页面中。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:153
msgid "All Critical CSS rules will be deleted immediately and cannot be recovered.<br /><br /><strong>Are you sure?</strong>"
msgstr "所有 Critical CSS 规则将立即删除, 无法恢复。<br /><br /><strong>确定吗?</strong>"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:152
msgid "Delete all Rules and Jobs"
msgstr "删除所有规则和任务"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:148
msgid "This Critical CSS rule will be deleted immediately and cannot be recovered.<br /><br /><strong>Are you sure?</strong>"
msgstr "此 Critical CSS 规则将立即删除, 无法恢复。<br /><br /><strong>确定吗?</strong>"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:147
msgid "Delete Rule"
msgstr "删除规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:138
msgid "Paste your specific critical CSS here and hit submit to save."
msgstr "在此处粘贴您的特定 Critical CSS 并点击提交以保存。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:135
msgid "Custom Critical CSS"
msgstr "自定义 Critical CSS"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:100
msgid "WooCommerce Conditional Tags"
msgstr "WooCommerce 条件标签"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:96
msgid "Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Tags"
msgstr "Easy Digital Downloads  条件标签"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:92
msgid "BuddyPress Conditional Tags"
msgstr "BuddyPress条件标签"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:88
msgid "BBPress Conditional Tags"
msgstr "BBPress 条件标签"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:84
msgid "Page Templates"
msgstr "页面模板"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:80
msgid "Custom Post Types"
msgstr "自定义文章类型"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:58
msgid "Standard Conditional Tags"
msgstr "标准条件标签"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:57
msgid "Select from the list below..."
msgstr "从下面的列表中选择..."

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:53
msgid "Conditional Tag, Custom Post Type or Page Template"
msgstr "条件标签、自定义文章类型或页面模板"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:48
msgid "Enter a part of the URL that identifies the page(s) you're targetting."
msgstr "输入 URL 的一部分, 用于标识您要定位的页面。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:45
msgid "String in Path"
msgstr "路径中的字符串"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:39
msgid "Conditional Tag"
msgstr "条件标签"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:38
msgid "Path"
msgstr "路径"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:34
msgid "Rule Type"
msgstr "规则类型"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:26
msgid "<strong>Rules or Queue changed!</strong> Don't forget to save your changes!"
msgstr "<strong>规则或队列已更改!</strong>不要忘记保存您的更改!"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:21
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_impexp.js.php:35
msgid "Export settings result"
msgstr "导出设置结果"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_debug.php:81
msgid "WP-Cron Scheduled Events"
msgstr "WP-Cron 计划活动"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_debug.php:78
msgid "WP-Cron Intervals"
msgstr "WP-Cron 时间间隔"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_debug.php:45
msgid "Options"
msgstr "可选项"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_debug.php:39
msgid "Debug Information"
msgstr "调试信息"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:347
msgid "Additional Critical CSS"
msgstr "其他 Critical CSS"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:325
msgid "Default Critical CSS"
msgstr "默认 Critical CSS"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:292
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:328
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:350
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "提交"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:280
msgid "For path based rules, paste your specific and minified critical CSS here or leave this empty to fetch it from criticalcss.com and hit submit to save. If you want to create a rule to exclude from critical CSS injection, enter \\\"none\\\""
msgstr "对于基于路径的规则, 请在此处粘贴压缩后的 Critical CSS, 或将其留空以从 criticalcss.com 中获取, 然后点击提交以保存。如果要创建要从 Critical CSS 注入中排除的规则, 请输入 \\\"none\\\""

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:276
msgid "For type based rules, paste your specific and minified critical CSS here and hit submit to save. If you want to create a rule to exclude from critical CSS injection, enter \\\"none\\\"."
msgstr "对于基于类型的规则, 请在此处粘贴压缩后的 Critical CSS, 然后点击提交以保存。如果要创建要从 Critical CSS 注入中排除的规则, 请输入 \\\"none\\\"."

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:264
msgid "Add Critical CSS Rule"
msgstr "添加 Critical CSS 规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:234
msgid "Loading critical CSS..."
msgstr "正在加载 Critical CSS..."

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:223
msgid "Edit Critical CSS Rule"
msgstr "编辑 Critical CSS 规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:158
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "删除所有"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:102
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "删除"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:102
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "编辑"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:74
msgid "AUTO"
msgstr "自动"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:71
msgid "MANUAL"
msgstr "手动"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:68
msgid "To be fetched from criticalcss.com in the next queue run..."
msgstr "要从下一个队列运行中的 criticalcss.com 提取..."

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:49
msgid "Critical CSS File"
msgstr "Critical CSS 文件"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:49
msgid "Target"
msgstr "打开方式"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:49
msgid "Type"
msgstr "类型"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:45
msgid "Conditional Tags, Custom Post Types and Page Templates Rules"
msgstr "条件标签、自定义帖子类型和页面模板规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:43
msgid "Path Based Rules"
msgstr "基于路径的规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:149
msgid "<strong>CAUTION! Only use debug mode on production/live environments for ad-hoc troubleshooting and remember to turn it back off after</strong>, as this generates a lot of log-data.<br />Check the box above to enable Autoptimize CriticalCSS Power-Up debug mode. It provides debug facilities in this screen, to the browser console and to this file: "
msgstr "<strong>小心! 仅在生产/实时环境中使用调试模式进行临时故障排除, 并记住在之后将其关闭</strong>, 因为这将生成大量日志数据。<br />选中上面的复选框, 启用自动优化 Critical CSS 开启调试模式。它在此屏幕、浏览器控制台和此文件中提供调试功能 "

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:143
msgid "Debug Mode"
msgstr "调试模式"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:137
msgid "Only requests from this domain will be sent for Critical CSS generation (pricing is per domain/ month)."
msgstr "仅发送来自此域的请求才能生成 Critical CSS(定价是每个域名/月)。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:135
msgid "Don't leave this empty, put e.g. https://example.net/ or simply 'none' to disable domain binding."
msgstr "不要留空此项, 例如, 输入 https://example.net/, 或输入 \"none\" 禁用域名绑定。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:132
msgid "Bound domain"
msgstr "绑定域名"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:113
msgid "Defer all non-aggregated JS, including jQuery and inline JS to fix remaining render-blocking issues. Make sure to test your site thoroughly when activating this option!"
msgstr "延迟所有非聚合 JS, 包括 jQuery 和内联 JS, 以解决剩余的渲染阻塞问题。激活此选项时, 一定要完整测试您的网站!"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:101
msgid "By default for each page a separate rule is generated. If your pages have (semi-)identical above the fold look and feel and you want to keep the rules lean, you can disable that so one rule is created to all pages."
msgstr "默认情况下, 每个页面都会生成单独的规则。如果您的页面大致相同, 并希望维持一个精简的规则列表, 您可以禁用此规则, 以便为所有页面创建一个规则。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:96
msgid "Force path-based rules to be generated for pages?"
msgstr "强制为页面生成基于路径的规则?"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:90
msgid "Critical CSS is generated by criticalcss.com from your pages as seen by an \"anonymous visitor\". Disable this option if you don't want the \"visitor\" critical CSS to be used for logged in users."
msgstr "Critical CSS 由 criticalcss.com 以\"匿名访问者\"可访问到的页面生成, 如果您不希望将\"匿名访问者\" Critical CSS 用于登录用户, 请禁用此选项。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:85
msgid "Add CCSS for logged in users?"
msgstr "为登录用户添加 CCSS?"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:79
msgid "In some (rare) cases the generation of critical CSS works better with the original CSS instead of the Autoptimized one, this option enables that behavior."
msgstr "在极罕见的情况下, 使用原始 CSS 生成的 Critical CSS 代码比优化后的 CSS 运行得更好, 此选项支持该行为。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:74
msgid "Fetch Original CSS"
msgstr "获取原始 CSS"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:57
msgid "Force include CSS selectors can be used to style dynamic content that is not part of the HTML that is seen during the Critical CSS generation. To use this feature, add comma separated values with both simple strings and/or regular expressions to match the desired selectors. Regular expressions must be preceeded by two forward slashes. For instance: <code>.button-special,//#footer</code>. In this example <code>.button-special</code> will match <code>.button-special</code> selector only, while <code>//#footer</code> will match <code>#footer</code>, <code>#footer-address</code> and <code>#footer-phone</code> selectors in case they exist.<br />Do take into account that changing this setting will only affect new/ updated rules, so you might want to remove old rules and clear your page cache to expedite the forceIncludes becoming used."
msgstr "强制包括 CSS 选择器可用于设置动态内容, 这些动态内容不是 Critical CSS 生成期间看到的 HTML 的一部分。要使用此功能, 请使用简单字符串和/或正则表达式添加逗号分隔值, 以匹配所需的选择器。正则表达式必须预先使用两个向前斜杠。例如: <code>.button-special, //#footer</code> .在此示例中 <code>.button-special</code> , 将仅匹配 <code>.button-special</code> 选择器, 而 <code>//#footer</code> 将匹配 <code>#footer</code> 和 <code>#footer-address</code> <code>#footer-phone</code> 选择器, 以防它们存在。<br />一请注意, 更改此设置只会影响新的/更新的规则, 因此您可能需要删除旧规则并清除页面缓存以加快强制包括使用。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:55
msgid ".button-special,//#footer"
msgstr ".button-special,//#footer"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:52
msgid "Force Include CSS selectors"
msgstr "强制包含 CSS 选择器"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:46
msgid "<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/account/api-keys?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> default viewport size is 1400x1080 pixels (width x height). You can change this size by typing a desired width and height values above. Allowed value ranges are from 800 to 4096 for width and from 600 to 2160 for height."
msgstr "<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/account/api-keys?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a>默认视口大小为 1400x1080 像素(宽度 x 高度)。您可以通过在上面键入所需的宽度和高度值来更改此大小。允许的值范围为宽度从 800 到 4096,高度为 600 到 2160。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:44
msgid "Height"
msgstr "高度"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:43
msgid "Width"
msgstr "宽度"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:40
msgid "Viewport Size"
msgstr "视口大小"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_adv.php:32
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "高级设置"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:186
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "重试"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:166
msgid "Delete all jobs?"
msgstr "是否删除所有任务?"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:153
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:171
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:201
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:145
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:165
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:310
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:333
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:355
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:148
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:140
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "删除"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:125
msgid "Job status is "
msgstr "任务状态为 "

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:119
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "不适用"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:111
msgid "UNKNOWN"
msgstr "未知"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:103
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:112
msgid "Get Help"
msgstr "获取帮助"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:102
msgid "ERROR"
msgstr "错误"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:95
msgid "DONE"
msgstr "完成"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:88
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:102
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:111
msgid "- Validation: "
msgstr "- 验证: "

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:88
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:102
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:111
msgid "- Result: "
msgstr "- 结果: "

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:88
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:102
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:111
msgid "- Status: "
msgstr "- 状态: "

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:88
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:102
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:111
msgid "- Job ID: "
msgstr "- 任务 ID: "

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:88
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:102
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:111
msgid "Info from criticalcss.com:"
msgstr "来自 criticalcss.com 的信息:"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:88
msgid "REVIEW"
msgstr "评论"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:82
msgid "PENDING"
msgstr "待处理"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSCore.php:462
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:77
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:83
msgid "None"
msgstr "无"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:76
msgid "New"
msgstr "新的"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:88
msgid "Remove all jobs"
msgstr "删除所有任务"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:78
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.js.php:49
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "操作"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:78
msgid "Finish Date"
msgstr "完成日期"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:78
msgid "Creation Date"
msgstr "创建日期"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:78
msgid "Page Type"
msgstr "页面类型"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:78
msgid "Page Path"
msgstr "页面路径"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:78
msgid "Target Rule"
msgstr "目标规则"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:78
msgid "Status"
msgstr "状态"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:72
msgid "<strong>A word about WordPress cron:</strong> Autoptimize watches the queue by using WordPress Cron (or WP-Cron for short.) It <a href=\"https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/10/schedule-events-using-wordpress-cron/#limitations-of-wordpress-cron-and-solutions-to-fix-em\" target=\"_blank\">could be faulty</a> on very light or very heavy loads. If your site receives just a few or thousands visits a day, it might be a good idea to <a href=\"https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/cron/hooking-wp-cron-into-the-system-task-scheduler/\" target=\"_blank\">turn WP-Cron off and use your system task scheduler</a> to fire it instead."
msgstr "<strong>关于WordPress cron的一个词:</strong>使用 WordPress Cron(简称 WP-Cron)自动优化关键 CSS 上电来观察队列。在非常轻或非常重的负载上<a href=\"https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/10/schedule-events-using-wordpress-cron/#limitations-of-wordpress-cron-and-solutions-to-fix-em\" target=\"_blank\">,它可能是有故障</a>的。如果您的网站每天仅收到几次或数千次访问,最好<a href=\"https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/cron/hooking-into-the-system-task-scheduler/\" target=\"_blank\">关闭 WP-Cron 并使用系统任务调度程序</a>将其触发。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:71
msgid "To get more information about jobs statuses, specially the ones with <span class=\"badge error\">E</span> and <span class=\"badge unknown\">U</span> status, hover your mouse in the status badge of that job. This information might be crucial when contacting <a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> for assistance."
msgstr "要获取有关任务状态的详细信息, 尤其是状态为<span class=\"badge error\">E</span>和<span class=\"badge unknown\">U</span>的任务, 请将鼠标悬停在该任务的状态作业中。在联系criticalcss.com寻求帮助时<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">, </a>此信息可能至关重要。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:70
msgid "Sometimes an unknown condition can happen. In this case, the job status becomes <span class=\"badge unknown\">U</span> and you may want to ask <a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> for help or just delete it."
msgstr "有时可能发生未知情况。在这种情况下, 任务状态变为<span class=\"badge unknown\">U, </span>您可能需要向<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a>寻求帮助或将其删除。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:69
msgid "When things go wrong, a job is marked as <span class=\"badge error\">E</span>. You can retry faulty jobs, delete them or get in touch with <a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> for assistance."
msgstr "出现错误时, 任务被标记为<span class=\"badge error\">E</span>。您可以重试、删除这些任务或联系<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a>寻求帮助。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:68
msgid "As soon as <a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> returns a valid critical CSS file, the job is then finished and removed from the queue."
msgstr "从<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a>返回有效的 Critical CSS 文件后,任务会被标记为已完成并从队列中删除。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:67
msgid "Autoptimize constantly queries the queue for <span class='badge new'>N</span> jobs. When it finds one, gears spins and jobs becomes <span class='badge pending'>P</span> while they are running and <a href='https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1' target='_blank'>criticalcss.com</a> doesn't return a result."
msgstr "Autoptimize Critical CSS 驱动不断查询队列的 <span class='badge new'>N</span>作业。当它找到一个,齿轮旋转和作业变成 <span class='badge pending'>P,</span>而他们运行 <a href='https://criticalcss.com/?aff=1' target='_blank'>criticalcss.com</a> 不返回结果。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:66
msgid "When the conditions to create a job are met (i.e. user not logged in, no matching <span class=\"badge manual\">MANUAL</span> rule or CSS files has changed for an <span class=\"badge auto\">AUTO</span> rule), a <span class=\"badge new\">N</span> job is created in the queue."
msgstr "当满足创建作业的条件时(即用户未登录、没有匹配的 <span class=\"badge manual\">MANUAL</span> 规则, 或匹配 <span class=\"badge auto\">AUTO</span>规则的CSS文件已更改时), 系统将在队列中创建一个<span class=\"badge new\">N</span>作业。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:65
msgid "The queue operates <strong>automatically, asynchronously and on regular intervals of 10 minutes.</strong> To view updated queue status, refresh this page."
msgstr "队列以<strong>10 分钟的间隔自动异步运行。</strong>要查看最新队列状态, 请刷新此页面。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:63
msgid "TL;DR:<br /><strong>Queue runs every 10 minutes.</strong> Job statuses are <span class=\"badge new\">N</span> for NEW, <span class=\"badge pending\">P</span> for PENDING, <span class=\"badge error\">E</span> for ERROR and <span class=\"badge unknown\">U</span> for UNKOWN."
msgstr "TL;DR:<br /><strong>队列每 10 分钟运行一次。</strong>任务状态为<span class=\"badge new\">N</span>表示\"新建<span class=\"badge pending\">\", P</span>表示\"挂起<span class=\"badge error\">\", E</span>表示错误<span class=\"badge unknown\">, U</span>表示 UNKOWN。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:57
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_rules.php:170
msgid "Click the side arrow to toggle instructions"
msgstr "单击右侧箭头切换说明"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:49
msgid "This will delete all jobs, are you sure?"
msgstr "此操作将删除所有作业, 确定吗?"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:48
msgid "Delete all jobs"
msgstr "删除所有任务"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:44
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this job?"
msgstr "您確定想刪除该份任务吗?"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:89
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:96
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:103
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:112
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:43
msgid "Delete Job"
msgstr "删除任务"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:39
msgid "Are you sure you want to retry this job?"
msgstr "确定要重试此任务吗?"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.js.php:103
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:38
msgid "Retry Job"
msgstr "重试任务"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_queue.php:24
msgid "Job Queue"
msgstr "任务队列"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_key.php:58
msgid "Enter your <a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/account/api-keys?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> API key above. The key is revalidated every time a new job is sent to it.<br />To obtain your API key, go to <a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/account/api-keys?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> > Account > API Keys.<br />Requests to generate a critical CSS via the API are priced at £5 per domain per month.<br /><strong>Not sure yet? With the <a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/faq/?aff=1#trial\" target=\"_blank\">30 day money back guarantee</a>, you have nothing to lose!</strong>"
msgstr "在上面输入<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/account/api-keys?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> API 密钥。每次发送新作业请求时,此密钥都会被重新验证。<br />要获取 API 密钥,请转到<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/account/api-keys?aff=1\" target=\"_blank\">criticalcss.com</a> > Account > API Keys。<br />通过 API  生成 Critical CSS 的请求的定价为每个域每月 5 英镑。<br /><strong>还不确定?通过<a href=\"https://criticalcss.com/faq/?aff=1#trial\" target=\"_blank\">30天的免费试用</a>,你不会有任何损失!</strong>"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_key.php:56
msgid "Please enter your criticalcss.com API key here."
msgstr "请在此处输入 criticalcss.com API 密钥。"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_key.php:53
msgid "Your API Key"
msgstr "您的 API 密钥"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_key.php:32
msgid "API Key"
msgstr "API 密钥"

#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_key.php:24
msgid "API key provided by your host/ WordPress administrator, no need to enter anything here. In case of problems with the API key, contact your host/ WordPress administrator."
msgstr "API 密钥由您的主机/WordPress 管理员提供, 无需在此处输入任何内容。如果 API 密钥出现问题, 请与主机/WordPress 管理员联系。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:366
msgid "Import Settings"
msgstr "导入设置"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:365
msgid "Export Settings"
msgstr "导出设置"

#. translators: the placesholder is for a line of code in wp-config.php.
#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:300
msgid "<p>Critical CSS settings cannot be set at network level as critical CSS is specific to each sub-site.</p><p>You can however provide the critical CSS API key for use by all sites by adding this your wp-config.php as %s</p>"
msgstr "<p>Critical CSS 仅应用于每个子站点, 无法在网络级别设置。</p><p>但是, 您可以通过将 wp-config.php 添加为 %s, 提供 Critical CSS API 密钥供所有站点使用</p>"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:266
msgid "The critical CSS service has been reported to be down. Although no new rules will be created for now, this does not prevent existing rules from being applied."
msgstr "Critical CSS 服务已关闭。尽管目前不会创建新规则, 但现有规则的应用不会被阻止。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:253
msgid "Great, Autoptimize will now automatically start creating new critical CSS rules, you should see those appearing below in the next couple of hours."
msgstr "很好, Autoptimize 现在将自动开始创建新的 Critical CSS 规则, 您应该在接下来的几个小时内看到下面显示的规则。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:245
msgid "It looks like there might be a problem with WordPress cron (task scheduling). Have a look at <a href=\"https://blog.futtta.be/2023/03/17/how-to-fix-autoptimize-critical-css-cron-issue/\" target=\"_blank\">the FAQ</a> or the info in the Job Queue instructions if all jobs remain in \"N\" status and no rules are created."
msgstr "看起来 WordPress cron(任务调度)可能有问题。如果所有作业都保持\"N\"状态且未创建规则, 请查看作业队列说明中的 <a href=\"https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize-criticalcss/faq/\" target=\"_blank\">常见问题解答</a> 或信息。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:157
msgid "Could not create the required directory. Make sure the webserver can write to the wp-content/uploads directory."
msgstr "无法创建所需的目录。确保 Web 服务器可以写入 wp-content 目录。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:607
msgid "Comma-separated list with full URL's of to to-be-preloaded resources. To be used sparingly!"
msgstr "包含要预加载资源的完整URL列表(逗号隔开)。节约使用!"

#. translators: "display:swap" should remain untranslated, will be shown in
#. code tags.
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:564 classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:566
msgid "includes %1$sdisplay:swap%2$s."
msgstr "包括 %1$sdisplay:swap%2$s。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:59
#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:131
#: classes/critcss-inc/admin_settings_explain.php:15
msgid "Critical CSS"
msgstr "Critical CSS"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:479
msgid "By default Autoptimize is also active for logged on editors/ administrators, uncheck this option if you don't want Autoptimize to optimize when logged in e.g. to use a pagebuilder."
msgstr "默认情况下, Autoptimize 对于登录用户/管理员也是有效的, 不选中此选项, Autoptimize 将不优化登录后的账户, 例如使用页面生成器。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:477
msgid "Also optimize for logged in editors/ administrators?"
msgstr "用户登录时启用优化?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:332
msgid "Paste the above the fold CSS here. You can leave this empty when using the automated Critical CSS integration."
msgstr "将上面折叠的CSS粘贴到这里。使用自动化关键CSS集成时, 可以将此项留空。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:343
msgid "Important: excluded non-minified files are still minified by Autoptimize unless that option under \"misc\" is disabled."
msgstr "重要提示:排除的 CSS 仍会被压缩, 如不需压缩, 请在「杂项」部分禁用。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:212
msgid "Enable Autoptimize configuration per site."
msgstr "启用每个站点的 Autoptimize 配置。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:210
msgid "Enable site configuration?"
msgstr "启用站点配置?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:207
msgid "Multisite Options"
msgstr "多站点选项"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:96
msgid "Autoptimize is enabled and configured on a WordPress network level. Please contact your network administrator if you need Autoptimize settings changed."
msgstr "在 WordPress 站点网络启用并配置了 Autoptimize。如果需要更改 \"Autoptimize\" 设置,请与网络管理员联系。"

#. translators: "check the documentation here" will appear in a "a href".
#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1468
msgid "It seems ShortPixel image optimization is not able to fetch images from your site, %1$scheck the documentation here%2$s for more information"
msgstr "似乎 ShortPixel 图像优化无法从您的站点获取图像, %1$s有关详细信息, 请查看此处的文档%2$s"

#. translators: link points to shortpixel FAQ.
#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1342
msgid "Only works for websites and images that are publicly available."
msgstr "仅适用于公开可用的网站/图像。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:977
msgid "JS, CSS  &amp; HTML"
msgstr "JS, CSS 和 HTML"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:465
msgid "When aggregating JS or CSS, excluded files that are not minified (based on filename) are by default minified by Autoptimize despite being excluded. Uncheck this option if anything breaks despite excluding."
msgstr "聚合JS或CSS时, 未缩小的例外文件(基于文件名)在默认情况下会被 Autotimize 缩小, 尽管已被排除。如果有任何内容在排除时中断, 请取消选中此选项。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:463
msgid "Minify excluded CSS and JS files?"
msgstr "压缩排除的 CSS 和 JS 文件?"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1408
msgid "Comma-separated list of to be excluded image classes or filenames."
msgstr "以逗号分隔的列表, 用于排除图像类或文件名。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1406
msgid "Lazy-load exclusions"
msgstr "延迟加载排除"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1402
msgid "Image lazy-loading will delay the loading of non-visible images to allow the browser to optimally load all resources for the \"above the fold\"-page first."
msgstr "图像延迟加载将延迟加载不可见图像, 以允许浏览器首先为 \"首屏\" 页面最佳地加载所有资源。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1400
msgid "Lazy-load images?"
msgstr "\"延迟加载\" 图像?"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1387
msgid "Load AVIF in supported browsers?"
msgstr "在支持的浏览器中加载WebP吗?"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1302
msgid "Image optimization"
msgstr "图像优化"

#. translators: "disable  Jetpack's site accelerator for images" will appear in
#. a "a href" linking to the jetpack settings page.
#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1296
msgid "Please %1$sdisable Jetpack's site accelerator for images%2$s to be able to use Autoptomize's advanced image optimization features below."
msgstr "请 %2$s 对图像禁用 Jetpack 的站点加速器 %1$s 以便能够使用下面 Autotomize 的高级图像优化功能。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1242 classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1266
msgid "Images"
msgstr "图像"

#. Description of the plugin
#: autoptimize.php
msgid "Makes your site faster by optimizing CSS, JS, Images, Google fonts and more."
msgstr "通过优化 CSS, JS, 图像, Google字体等来使您的网站更快。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1487
msgid "based on previously fetched data"
msgstr "基于先前获取的数据"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1485
msgid "based on status at "
msgstr "基于身份 "

#. Translators: the URL added points to the Autopmize Extra settings.
#: classes/autoptimizeMain.php:775
msgid "Did you know that Autoptimize offers on-the-fly image optimization (with support for WebP and AVIF) and CDN via ShortPixel? Check out the %1$sAutoptimize Image settings%2$s to enable this option."
msgstr "您是否知道 Autoptimize 包括动态图像优化 (支持WebP) 和通过 ShortPixel 进行的 CDN? 请查看 %1$sAutoptimize 图像设置%2$s 以激活此选项。"

#. translators: link points Async Javascript settings page.
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:616
msgid "You have \"Async JavaScript\" installed, %1$sconfiguration of async javascript is best done there%2$s."
msgstr "您已安装 \"Async JavaScript\", 最好在 %2$s 进行 %1$s 异步 javascript 配置。"

#. translators: link points to shortpixel image test page.
#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1378
msgid "You can %1$stest compression levels here%2$s."
msgstr "您可以在%2$s这里%1$s测试压缩级别。"

#. translators: links points to shortpixel TOS & Privacy Policy.
#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1344
msgid "Usage of this feature is subject to Shortpixel's %1$sTerms of Use%2$s and %3$sPrivacy policy%4$s."
msgstr "此功能的使用受 Shortpixel 的 %1$s使用条款%2$s 和 %3$s隐私权政策%4$s 的约束。"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1356
msgid "Image Optimization quality"
msgstr "图像优化质量"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1328
msgid "Shortpixel status: "
msgstr "Shortpixel 状态: "

#. translators: "display:swap" should remain untranslated, will be shown in
#. code tags.
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:566
msgid "Combine and link deferred in head (fonts load late, but are not render-blocking)"
msgstr "在头部组合和预加载(字体加载较晚, 但不是渲染阻塞)"

#. translators: "display:swap" should remain untranslated, will be shown in
#. code tags.
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:564
msgid "Combine and link in head (fonts load fast but are render-blocking)"
msgstr "组合并链接在头部(字体加载速度快但是渲染阻塞)"

#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1288
msgid "The image optimization service is launching, but not yet available for this domain, it should become available in the next couple of days."
msgstr "图片优化服务正在启动, 但尚未针对此域提供, 它将在未来几天内推出。"

#. translators: "Autoptimize support forum" will appear in a "a href".
#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1281
msgid "The image optimization service is currently down, image optimization will be skipped until further notice. Check the %1$sAutoptimize support forum%2$s for more info."
msgstr "图像优化服务当前已关闭, 将跳过图像优化, 直至另行通知。查看 %1$sAutoptimize 支持论坛%2$s 获取更多信息。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:549
msgid "Most of below Extra optimizations require at least one of HTML, JS, CSS or Image autoptimizations being active."
msgstr "以下大多数额外优化需要至少一个 HTML, JS, CSS 或图像自动优化处于活动状态。"

#. translators: "log in to check your account" will appear in a "a href".
#: classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1472
msgid "Your ShortPixel image optimization and CDN quota are in good shape, %1$slog in to check your account%2$s."
msgstr "您的小像素图像优化和 CDN 配额处于良好状态, 请 %1$s登录检查您的帐户%2$s。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:294
msgid "Aggregate all linked CSS-files? If this option is off, the individual CSS-files will remain in place but will be minified."
msgstr "合并所有链接的CSS文件? 如果禁用此选项, 则各个CSS文件将保留在原位但将缩小。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:292
msgid "Aggregate CSS-files?"
msgstr "合并CSS文件?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:228
msgid "Aggregate JS-files?"
msgstr "合并JS文件?"

#: autoptimize.php:33
msgid "Autoptimize requires PHP 5.6 (or higher) to function properly. Please upgrade PHP. The Plugin has been auto-deactivated."
msgstr "Autoptimize 需要 PHP 5.6(或更高版本)才能正常运行。请升级PHP。该插件已被自动停用。"

#: classes/autoptimizePartners.php:84
msgid "More info"
msgstr "更多信息"

#. translators: %s will be replaced by a link to "wp youtube lyte" plugin.
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:641
msgid "%s allows you to “lazy load” your videos, by inserting responsive “Lite YouTube Embeds\". "
msgstr "%s允许您通过插入自适应的\" Lite YouTube Embeds\"来\"延迟加载\"视频。 "

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:638
msgid "Click here to configure it."
msgstr "单击此处进行配置。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:636
msgid "Great, you have WP YouTube Lyte installed."
msgstr "太棒了, 你安装了WP YouTube Lyte。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:632
msgid "Optimize YouTube videos"
msgstr "优化YouTube视频"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:626 classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:643
msgid "Click here to install and activate it."
msgstr "单击此处安装并激活它。"

#. translators: %s will be replaced by a link to the "async javascript" plugin.
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:624
msgid "Configuration of async javascript is easier and more flexible using the %s plugin."
msgstr "使用%s插件, 配置异步 javascript 更容易, 更灵活。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:561
msgid "Leave as is"
msgstr "保持原样"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:559
msgid "Google Fonts"
msgstr "Google 字体"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:577
msgid "Remove query strings from static resources"
msgstr "从静态资源中删除查询字符串"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:573
msgid "Removes WordPress' core emojis' inline CSS, inline JavaScript, and an otherwise un-autoptimized JavaScript file."
msgstr "移除WordPress核心繪文字的内联CSS, 内联JavaScript和其他未自动优化的JavaScript文件。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:571
msgid "Remove emojis"
msgstr "移除 emojis"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:556
msgid "The following settings can improve your site's performance even more."
msgstr "以下设置可以进一步提高网站的性能。"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:555
msgid "Extra Auto-Optimizations"
msgstr "额外的自动优化"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:521 classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:543
msgid "Extra"
msgstr "额外"

#: classes/autoptimizeCLI.php:30
msgid "Cache flushed."
msgstr "缓存已刷新。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCLI.php:28
msgid "Flushing the cache..."
msgstr "正在刷新缓存..."

#. Plugin URI of the plugin
#. Author URI of the plugin
#: autoptimize.php
msgid "https://autoptimize.com/pro/"
msgstr "https://autoptimize.com/"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:487
msgid "By default Autoptimize is also active on your shop's cart/ checkout, uncheck not to optimize those."
msgstr "默认情况下, Autoptimize 也会优化商品的购物车和结账页, 取消选中不优化这些页面。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:485
msgid "Also optimize shop cart/ checkout?"
msgstr "优化购物车/结帐?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:449
msgid "Misc Options"
msgstr "杂项"

#. translators: Kilobytes + timestamp shown.
#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:440
msgid "%1$s files, totalling %2$s (calculated at %3$s)"
msgstr "%1$s 个文件, 合计 %2$s Kbytes (以 %3$s 计算)"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:262 classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:311
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:567
msgid "(deprecated)"
msgstr "(废弃)"

#. Translators: %s is the cache directory location.
#: classes/autoptimizeMain.php:753
msgid "Autoptimize cannot write to the cache directory (%s), please fix to enable CSS/ JS optimization!"
msgstr "Autoptimize 无法写入缓存目录(%s), 请修复以启用 CSS/JS 优化!"

#: classes/autoptimizePartners.php:146
msgid "These Autoptimize power-ups and related services will improve your site's performance even more!"
msgstr "这些 Autoptimize 功能和相关服务将会提高您网站的性能!"

#: classes/autoptimizePartners.php:40 classes/autoptimizePartners.php:142
msgid "Optimize More!"
msgstr "优化更多!"

#: classes/autoptimizeCacheChecker.php:67
msgid "Autoptimize's cache size is getting big, consider purging the cache. Have a look at https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/faq/ to see how you can keep the cache size under control."
msgstr "Autoptimize 的缓存越来越大, 请考虑清除缓存。看看 https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/faq/ 看看如何保持高速缓存的大小。"

#: classes/autoptimizeCacheChecker.php:66
msgid "Autoptimize cache size warning"
msgstr "Autoptimize 缓存大小警告"

#. translators: links to the Autoptimize settings page.
#: classes/autoptimizeToolbar.php:153
msgid "Dismiss this notice."
msgstr "关闭此通知。"

#: classes/autoptimizeToolbar.php:107
msgid "Files"
msgstr "文件"

#: classes/autoptimizeToolbar.php:106
msgid "Size"
msgstr "尺寸"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:388
msgid "Enable this if you want HTML comments to remain in the page."
msgstr "如果您希望保留 HTML 注释在页面中, 请启用此功能。"

#. translators: the variable contains a date.
#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:963
msgid "Posted %s"
msgstr "发表 %s"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:957
msgid "No items"
msgstr "无项目"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:542
msgid "Try my other plugins!"
msgstr "试试我的其他插件!"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:542
msgid "Happy with Autoptimize?"
msgstr "满意 Autoptimize 吗?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:299
msgid "Check this option for Autoptimize to also aggregate CSS in the HTML."
msgstr "勾选此选项 Autoptimize 也聚合 CSS 到 HTML 里面。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:297
msgid "Also aggregate inline CSS?"
msgstr "合并内联 CSS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:562
msgid "Remove Google Fonts"
msgstr "删除谷歌字体"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:233
msgid "Also aggregate inline JS?"
msgstr "合并内联JS?"

#. Author of the plugin
#: autoptimize.php
msgid "Frank Goossens (futtta)"
msgstr "Frank Goossens (futtta)"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:810 classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:816
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:741 classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:744
#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:747
msgid "Autoptimize Options"
msgstr "Autoptimize 选项"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:557
msgid "Do not donate for this plugin!"
msgstr "不捐赠此插件!"

#. Plugin Name of the plugin
#: autoptimize.php classes/autoptimizeCacheChecker.php:111
#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:732 classes/autoptimizeToolbar.php:82
msgid "Autoptimize"
msgstr "Autoptimize"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:512
msgid "Save Changes and Empty Cache"
msgstr "保存更改并清空缓存"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:511
#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:346
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:649 classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1418
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "保存更改"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:454
msgid "By default files saved are static css/js, uncheck this option if your webserver doesn't properly handle the compression and expiry."
msgstr "默认情况下, 优化后的代码会保存为静态的 CSS 和 JS 文件, 如果您的Web服务器不能正确处理压缩和过期, 请取消选中此选项。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:452
msgid "Save aggregated script/css as static files?"
msgstr "保存合并后的 JS/CSS资源为静态文件?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:429
msgid "Cached styles and scripts"
msgstr "已缓存的CSS 和 JS"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:426
msgid "No"
msgstr "否"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:426
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "是"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:425
msgid "Can we write?"
msgstr "可写入?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:421
msgid "Cache folder"
msgstr "缓存文件夹"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:418
msgid "Cache Info"
msgstr "缓存信息"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:397
msgid "CDN Base URL"
msgstr "CDN 基本 URL"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:394
msgid "CDN Options"
msgstr "CDN选项"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:343
msgid "A comma-separated list of CSS you want to exclude from being optimized."
msgstr "输入需要排除的 CSS(以英文逗号分隔)。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:340
msgid "Exclude CSS from Autoptimize:"
msgstr "不处理以下 CSS:"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:335
msgid "Inline all CSS?"
msgstr "内联所有 CSS?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:322
msgid "Inline \"above the fold CSS\" while loading the main autoptimized CSS only after page load. <a href=\"https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/faq/\" target=\"_blank\">Check the FAQ</a> for more info."
msgstr "内联“首屏CSS”,然后在页面加载后加载自动优化后的CSS。查看<a href=\"http://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/faq/\" target=\"_blank\">常见问题</a>了解更多信息。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:315
msgid "Don't autoptimize CSS outside the head-section. If the cache gets big, you might want to enable this."
msgstr "不要自动优化头部之外的 CSS。如果缓存变得大了, 你可能要启用这个功能。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:310
msgid "Look for styles only in &lt;head&gt;?"
msgstr "只在 &lt;head&gt; 寻找样式?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:304
msgid "Enable this to include small background-images in the CSS itself instead of as separate downloads."
msgstr "启用它可以在CSS中包含小的背景图像, 而不是单独的下载。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:302
msgid "Generate data: URIs for images?"
msgstr "生成小图片为Base64 数据?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:288
msgid "Optimize CSS Code?"
msgstr "启用 CSS 优化?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:285
msgid "CSS Options"
msgstr "CSS 选项"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:243
msgid "Add try-catch wrapping?"
msgstr "添加捕捉异常包装?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:270
msgid "Exclude scripts from Autoptimize:"
msgstr "从 Autoptimize 排除脚本:"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:266
msgid "Mostly useful in combination with previous option when using jQuery-based templates, but might help keeping cache size under control."
msgstr "在使用基于 jQuery 的模板时与以前的选项结合使用非常有用, 但可能有助于控制缓存大小。"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:261
msgid "Look for scripts only in &lt;head&gt;?"
msgstr "只处理 &lt;head&gt; 中的脚本?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:238
msgid "Force JavaScript in &lt;head&gt;?"
msgstr "把JavaScript文件放在 &lt;head&gt; 中?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:224
msgid "Optimize JavaScript Code?"
msgstr "启用 JavaScript 优化?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:221
msgid "JavaScript Options"
msgstr "JavaScript 选项"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:386
msgid "Keep HTML comments?"
msgstr "保留 HTML 注释吗?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:377
msgid "Optimize HTML Code?"
msgstr "优化 HTML 代码吗?"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:374
msgid "HTML Options"
msgstr "HTML 选项"

#: classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:94 classes/autoptimizeConfig.php:194
#: classes/autoptimizeCriticalCSSSettings.php:135
#: classes/autoptimizeExtra.php:545 classes/autoptimizeImages.php:1268
#: classes/autoptimizePartners.php:144 classes/autoptimizeProTab.php:90
msgid "Autoptimize Settings"
msgstr "Autoptimize 设置"

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